


\(z\)-score calculation

  • \(z\)-score formula:

\(z = \dfrac{X - \mu}\sigma\)     or…     \(z = \dfrac{X - M}s\)

  • Numerator: deviation score
  • Denominator: standard deviation
  • \(z\) expresses deviation in SD units

\(z\)-score description

  • \(z\)-score describes exact location of any score in a distribution
  • Two pieces of information:
    • Sign
      • Positive or negative
      • Indicates whether score is located above or below the mean
    • Magnitude
      • Indicates distance between score and mean in standard deviation units
      • \(z = 0\) is equal to the mean

Example: test scores

  • How well did you do on a test
  • Is your score good, bad, just ok?
Test Score M SD
geniustest.com 80 70 5
mensa.lu 40 20 10
  • \(z\)-score can describe location of a score in any distribution
    • Makes scores from different distributions comparable

Example: test scores

  • Comparing scores from different distributions
    • How many SDs is a score above/below the mean?

\(z = \dfrac{80-70}{5} = \dfrac{10}{5} = 2\)

\(z = \dfrac{40-20}{10} = \dfrac{20}{10} = 2\)

Determining raw score from \(z\)-score

\(z = \dfrac{X - \mu}\sigma\)     so…     \(X = \mu + z\sigma\)

  • Algebraically solve for \(X\)
  • Raw score \(X\) equals population mean plus \(z\) multiplied by standard deviation

Determining raw score from \(z\)-score

\[\begin{align} X & = \mu + z\sigma \\ & = 70 + 2*5 \\ & = 70 + 10 \\ & = 80 \end{align}\]

\[\begin{align} X & = \mu + z\sigma \\ & = 20 + 2*10 \\ & = 20 + 20 \\ & = 40 \end{align}\]

Standardized distributions

\(z\) distribution

  • Every \(X\) value can be transformed to a \(z\)-score
    • \(z\)-score distribution is called a standardized distribution
  • Characteristics of \(z\)-score transformation
    • Same shape as original distribution
    • Mean of \(z\)-score distribution is always \(0\)
      • Because the mean is the balance point; \(\Sigma (X - \mu)\) always equals \(0\)
    • Standard deviation is always \(1.00\)
      • Because \(SD\) is the denominator


Other standardized distributions

  • Standardized: Predetermined mean & SD
    • \(z\) distribution has \(\mu = 0\) and \(\sigma = 1\)
    • SAT has \(\mu = 500\) and \(\sigma = 100\)
    • IQ has \(\mu=100\) and \(\sigma=15\) points

  • Standardizing a distribution has two steps
    1. Original raw scores transformed to \(z\)-scores
    2. The \(z\)-scores are transformed to new \(X\) values so that the specific predetermined \(\mu\) and \(\sigma\) are attained
      2a. Multiply to set SD
      2b. Add or subtract a constant to set the mean

Standardizing scores


  1. \(z\)-scores

2a. Set SD

2b. Set \(M\)



\(z\)-scores and inferential stats

  • What’s the use of \(z\)-scores?
    • Research questions are often about looking for differences
    • Does one individual seem different from others?
    • Is a sample “noticeably different” from the population?
    • \(z\) is one indication of how typical a score is
    • \(z \approx 0\) is a typical score; \(z \le -2.00\) or \(\ge 2.00\) are less typical

\(z\)-scores and inferential stats

\(z\)-scores and inferential stats

Peter Parker

  • Peter Parker \(RT = 159ms\)
    • Impressive?
    • Depends on population characteristics

\(\begin{align} z & = \dfrac{X - \mu}{\sigma} \\ & = \dfrac{159 - 284}{50} = -2.5 \end{align}\)


  • Efficacy of CBT for OCD1
    • Pre-treatment population \(M = 30.25; SD = 14.89\)
    • Suppose a treated individual scores \(X = 15.49\)

\(\begin{align} z & = \dfrac{X - M}{s} \\ & = \dfrac{15.49 - 30.25}{14.89} \\ & = -0.99 \end{align}\)

Learning checks

  1. For a population with \(\mu = 50\) and \(\sigma = 10\), what is the \(X\) value corresponding to \(z = 0.4\)?

  2. In a sample distribution, \(X = 56\) corresponds to \(z = 1.00\), and \(X = 47\) corresponds to \(z = -0.50\). Find the mean and standard deviation for the sample.